I have loved seeing what God is up to this year at White Oak. Our mission statement is Connecting people to full life in Jesus. It’s all about Jesus.
Connecting people to full life in Jesus. It’s all about Jesus.
We were created by our Heavenly Father as worshipers. I believe he shows us evidence of his goodness, provision, and power so that our sinful hearts are constantly reminded and drawn to worship.
In previous Momentum updates you’ve heard what God has done in the lives of hundreds of children at our summer camps and the impact made in the lives of teens through summer conferences and experiences. God is good!
God is good!
This summer God has provided White Oak with the means to give a gift to mission partners Leon and Jackie Dorleans in Haiti to honor Leon’s 50 years of ministry impact! We were able to help purchase a vehicle for a mission partner in Myanmar so that ministry can continue to make impact in the name of Jesus in the villages where we serve. We await word where we will release funds to purchase property in India for a new church building. God has provided the resources for White Oak to partner with missionaries in East Africa to build a recording studio where messages of the Gospel will reach countless lives. In January 2023, we look forward to sending a team to West Africa to see the beginning ministry work and to encourage White Oak mission partners serving there. God is good!
We want to continue to be good stewards of the resources God has given us with our buildings and properties locally. Thanks to your generosity during our Bold Generosity initiative in 2021, we have finally begun work at White Oak’s Colerain location updating the lobby and installing new signage. We want our community and our guests to navigate our buildings more easily and find our environments comfortable and vibrant. We believe that people meet God when they meet his Church and we want to give them our best!
We also will see a parking lot addition at our Ross Campus in the coming weeks to make room for the many new people God is drawing to himself. Not only that, but this fall we have partnered with the Great Miami Valley YMCA in Hamilton to use our fields at the Ross Campus for youth soccer programs. It is White Oak’s desire to partner with other ministries and organizations in the future to offer our properties in Colerain and Ross as gifts to our communities, to impact families, and meet needs for our neighbors. We pray this step is only the beginning. God has given us much. We want to use every available resource to his glory.
In times as factious and difficult as these in our country, White Oak is blessed to be supporters of Oxford Women’s Care Center and Life Forward Cincinnati. These two organizations offer love, grace, and care to women with unplanned pregnancies. They resource with supplies for moms and babies, classes, counseling, and long-term follow up for moms who choose life. We are grateful to God for his love, care, and grace shown to us and we worship him by offering the same to others.
In 2022 so far, we have seen more than 50 people give their lives to Jesus through baptism here at White Oak! I am humbled that God uses us to do such important and impactful work for his Kingdom.
I believe God is moving in and through us to remind us of his love and his power. We were created to worship, and my prayer is that you are drawn to worship today. He is good. He loves you. As a result of your worship, God is eager to move in your heart putting you to work for his glory and praise. Whether this is at White Oak or someplace else, keep worshiping, keep working, keep giving, keep connecting people to full life in Jesus! I can’t wait to see what the rest of 2022 brings!
For His glory,

Nathan Hinkle
Lead Pastor
White Oak Christian Church