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Sunday Service Times Starting in January 2025

We want to make room for more people to connect with Jesus. To help make this possible, starting in January 2025, we’re adjusting our Sunday service times to better welcome our growing community. 


At our Ross Campus, the new service times will be 
8:00, 9:30, and 11:00 am. 

At our Colerain Campus, service times will remain

9:00 and 10:30 am. 


Each service will offer full Kids Ministry, so your entire family can engage with God in a meaningful way.


Luke 5:17-20 

17 One day Jesus was teaching, and Pharisees and teachers of the law were sitting there. They had come from every village of Galilee and from Judea and Jerusalem. And the power of the Lord was with Jesus to heal the sick. 18 Some men came carrying a paralyzed man on a mat and tried to take him into the house to lay him before Jesus. 19 When they could not find a way to do this because of the crowd, they went up on the roof and lowered him on his mat through the tiles into the middle of the crowd, right in front of Jesus.

20 When Jesus saw their faith, he said, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

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We’re committed to making space for everyone to experience the life-changing love of Jesus
because the Gospel is good news for everyone! 
Just like the friends who tore the roof off 
to bring a friend to Jesus in Luke 5, we are called to Wreck the Roof— to go out of our way to make room for more people to find hope and healing. 


That’s why these new service times are so important. 

We can’t wait to see how God moves through this change.


We exist to connect people to Full Life in Jesus. 

We want you and your family to be one of the first to champion Wrecking the Roof by choosing to attend either the 8am or 11am service and save the 9:30 for guests and/or step in to serve where you can.


Join others who are ready to Wreck the Roof 


Good News
for Everyone

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Join a Team

a Team

Wreck the Roof with Us!

Joining a team is a great way to  wreck the roof. Its one of the best ways to find community and build meaningful relationships here at White Oak. 
When you serve, you’ll meet new people, make some friends, and create space for others!

Serving allows you to use your skills and strengths 
to help us connect people to the full life Jesus offers.
Plus, it can also be a lot of fun!


Click below to Wreck the Roof by joining a team and serving.


  1. What does it mean to “wreck the roof”?

In Luke 5:17-26, we read a narrative of some men whose friend was looking for healing for his legs from Jesus. However, because the crowds were so large, they couldn’t get him to Jesus who was in the house.  To make a way for him to get to Jesus, the men carried their friend up the side of the house on his mat, tore a hole in the roof, and lowered him down to Jesus. 

Luke 5:20 says, “When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the man, “Friend, your sins are forgiven.”

In the same way, we are looking for ways to wreck the roof so we can help our friends and family to know Jesus. Finding ways to create space for people in our lives AND in our church. We want to create spaces where all people are able to be healed and forgiven by Jesus. 

2.    Why are we changing our service times at Ross?

In April of 2023, we added a third service at Ross at 11:50 am. We did this to encourage our White Oak families to create space in the 10:30 am service for our guests. While some people did move, after 1.5 years of having that service, we are not seeing growth at that time. To help create space in our church for more people, we felt like we needed to shift all service times to better accommodate all families who would like to attend.

The new service times starting January 5th, 2025 will be 8:00 am, 9:30 am, and 11:00 am.

3.    Why did we choose the times we did?

We researched and communicated with many churches in this part of the U.S. that were similar in size and demographics to our church. We looked at the times they were using and asked for feedback on what was successful. After reviewing many of those times, we believe that the three times (8, 9:30, and 11 am) will be the best for all people to choose a time that will work best for their families.

4.    Will we have kid’s ministry at all services?

Yes, we will have our kid’s ministry and preteen programs at all three service times. 

5.    Will the Colerain Campus service time change as well?

No. While we feel like the time changes will help our Ross Township Campus, we also believe our Colerain Campus has the best times for their partners and guests. 

6.    Why don’t we just go back to two service times and get more chairs? 

We believe that having three services is the size of church we would like to be. We believe this will be the best for people in our area and community. 


Additionally, our room was designed to hold a maximum of 375 people with the current chairs we have now. However, we only purchased 310 chairs when we opened the building, and have added 40 plastic folding chairs, making the total number of chairs in our room 350. While we are working to replace the folding chairs with the cushioned chairs and also redesign our aisles for better access, this still won’t alleviate the issue. 

At 80% of capacity, the room feels full, and it becomes difficult to find a seat. This means, once 280 people are in the room, it begins to feel tight. In 2024, our average attendance at the 9 am has been 200 and the 10:30 am is 246. If we were to cease the 3rd service, this would limit our growth to less than 100 people, and it would not leave space for our people to invite others. 

7.    How can I help WRECK THE ROOF? 

First and foremost, pray for who you would like to invite to come to church with you. We all know one person in our circle of friends, family, or co-workers who you would love to help learn about Jesus. Begin praying for them and praying that God will help you live out your faith in a way that will allow you the opportunity to share the gospel. 

Second, get involved in serving. We have opportunities for people to serve others on a Sunday morning. We want everyone who comes in to feel welcome and safe. We have lots of opportunity for you and your whole family to serve. From kid’s ministry, preteens, greeters, café, and more, you can get signed up to serve. You can do that at

7.    Which service will be streamed online?

White Oak online will be shifting to Sunday evenings. This change will allow us to continue sharing messages from both campuses with the new service times at our Ross campus. Expect these services to be available by Sunday evening at 7pm. As we transition to this new time and process we are still determining how long processing will take. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we make this change. 

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