The noun beatitude refers to a state of great joy. Being blessed, or at least feeling blessed, is often linked to beatitude.
The Beatitudes were spoken by Jesus in Aramaic and He was saying in ‘exclamations’ of a life lived in his Kingdom: “O the blessedness of....” This is important because the meaning is not about what will be someday in the future but instead, what is true now for those who demonstrate these statements. There will indeed be greater fullness of these statements in the Kingdom of Heaven in the future but for all, this present reality is to be enjoyed here and now. The Beatitudes are a radically bold statement of Jesus' intent to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth, which will bring true peace and freedom for all who dare to follow him as his disciples. It is through those disciples that his kingdom will bring blessing to all of the peoples of the earth.
The eight beatitudes are not describing 8 different kinds of people, but rather one person with 8 kinds of attitudes that are blessed by God. This is a very important understanding. That person is totally surrendered to God and each action of that person reflects on the character of God as that person leans in to God to give him glory in every circumstance.
Blessed are the Poor in Spirit
Blessed are those who Mourn
Blessed are the Meek
Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst for Righteousness
Blessed are the Merciful
Blessed are the Pure in Heart
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Blessed are those who are Persecuted Because of Righteousness