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Episode 6 | Karen Lynch Clark + Nathan Hinkle

Hey Trailblazers!

This week I sat down with Karen our Colerain Campus Children's Pastor. We had a great conversation about sharing with the people who ask you about SHAKEN. I think this will be a very helpful conversation for you as a trailblazer.

Before we jump in though Karen and I talk the Rocky Mountains and the Gulf of Mexico and I'm wondering would you rather spend your time in the mountains or at the beach?

Blazing the trail with you,





Hey Trailblazers, this is Nathan. Thank you for joining with me this week.

God has called you to be a leader or influencer here at White Oak and I want these bi-weekly updates is to engage, encourage, and equip you as a Trailblazer as we enter into this season in our Shaken initiative.

As we are nearing Vision Night in a couple weeks, this will be the first wave of our public launch of SHAKEN. Many from White Oak will hear about Shaken for the first time and be invited into the challenge.

This is one way where your role as a Trailblazer is important. You are ambassadors for the heart and message of Shaken to our congregation, to your friends, to those you serve with, and those in your life groups. Each of you will have opportunities to speak about Shaken; Many of you will be asked questions about Shaken by others. I want to help you be equipped to communicate about what God is doing in and through us in this initiative.

It’s important for all of us to be able to communicate in about 30 seconds or less what SHAKEN is, what it’s about, and why it’s important. Consider this your brief vision speech for Shaken.

So, what should your vision speech include?

I’m here with Karen Clark who is a trailblazer and our Children’s Ministry Pastor at the Colerain Campus here at White Oak. I’ve asked her to join us today and share with us her vision speech for Shaken.

Karen, thanks for being here. How long have you been serving at White Oak? --- You’ve been through several generosity initiatives over the years. Would you mind sharing your vision speech you’ve prepared that you might use to explain Shaken to someone...?


What is Shaken? – You could say something like this – Shaken is our generosity initiative where those of us at White Oak are being challenged to ask God to shake us up with his power so that we will move with bold steps of trust.

What is Shaken about? – I might say something like this – Shaken is about asking God for three bold moves of generosity over the next two years. One, to support White Oak’s general budget so that we can fuel the day-to-day ministry impact. Two, to re-imagine how we can re-purpose space at our Colerain Campus for use by community partners to serve the needs of our neighbors. And, three, we want to pay down the debt on the Ross Campus building so that we can be prepared for expanding the use of the Ross property for the community and so that we can plan for the next thing God would have us to do increase our ministry impact in our city.

Why is Shaken important? – You might say – Shaken is important because we’re asking God to do things so powerful and Spirit-led that our hearts would be shaken to bold generosity. We want to ask him to do big things in us so that he will do big things through us.

Having thought through a vision speech will prep you, as a leader and influencer, to own the heart of Shaken and to communicate it clearly and boldly to others. Trailblazers pave the way for others to follow and that’s exactly what I’m calling you to do.

Don’t forget, Vision Night is coming up on the 18 and 25 of this month. Be sure you have registered online and that you are intentionally inviting others to come along with you. We want everyone to be at Vision Night and I need your help to reach 100% engagement.

Pray with me….

Thanks for joining us and we’ll catch you next time.


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Stewardship Update

April 21 2024 Attendance: Colerain: 404 Ross: 629 Online: 267 SHAKEN Giving as of 4/21/24: Last Week: $47,431 Year-to-date: $892,990 Since Dec. 2022: $4,044,053

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