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Episode 7 | Nathan Hinkle

Wow trailblazers Sunday night's vision night was incredible, if you're registered for this Sunday at Colerain I'm so excited to have this special night with you, your family and our Church family. If you had to miss last night or are not registered, go ahead register and we'll see you this Sunday.

I've been reflecting back on Sunday's vision night and in this weeks episode I want to share with you a couple of the things I noticed, saw and heard.

Blazing the trail with you,





Hey Trailblazers, this is Nathan. Thank you for joining with me this week.

God has called you to be a leader or influencer here at White Oak and I want these bi-weekly updates is to engage, encourage, and equip you as a Trailblazer as we enter into this season in our Shaken initiative.

Despite the Bengal’s game happening at the same time, we had a great turn out! We filled the Ross Campus with people eager to hear what God has been up to at White Oak and where he’s taking us next!

And UNLIKE the Bengals, Vision Night 2022 has been a huge WIN so far! I asked you to be ambassadors for SHAKEN… to be sure you are coming to Vision Night… and to invite others to join you. It appears you’re doing that, and I want to thank you!

I want to share with you just a couple of things I noticed as we engaged in our first Vision Night:

1. We are a church family who is excited for what God is up to! – I can’t tell you how many new faces I saw there. The lobby was full. Our team was excited to share the vision for Shaken. People of all ages were celebrating, worshipping, and anticipating a movement of God at White Oak. The energy was awesome and infectious.

2. White Oak has a long and storied past of making significant impact in Kingdom work. -- If you haven’t been to Vision Night yet, I don’t want to give too much away as to what you’ll experience when you do come, but I will say that many hours of work went into collecting pictures, personal life-change stories, and the history of White Oak. I could tell people were excited and moved by what they saw and experienced.

3. The Holy Spirit isn’t waiting until the full-out public launch in October to begin to shake the room and shake up our lives! – During our fellowship time, our worship through singing, the hearing from God’s Word, the prayer time, and the vision shared… I could sense God’s Holy Spirit moving in the room. There was a sense where I think most of us could. One person said to me, “Man, as you were talking from stage, I could feel my wallet start to sweat!” – That was really funny! I know God is working on hearts as it relates to our generosity. I had one woman stop me afterward (and I had never met her or seen her before) and she said, “Thank you so much, I am excited!” The Spirit is moving boldly at White Oak.

Trailblazers, we have our second Vision Night coming up this next Sunday. I need to ask you for two things:

1. If you haven’t already, register and be sure you don’t miss it. Remember, you’re an ambassador for Shaken, and leaders go first.

2. If you did attend this past weekend, post something on social media commenting and celebrating what you experienced (don’t give any details away), text some friends and urge them to go!

Now that Vision Nights are underway, SHAKEN is now at the lift-off stage.

Remember to be brushing up on your vision speech which is your one-minute summary of what Shaken is all about. This is what you will share with others when they ask you about Shaken and you get to share how you feel God is beginning to shake you up.

Please be praying for our church family and for the Holy Spirit’s work on us. Pray for our communities and that they would be moved toward Jesus because of the work being done in us.

Pray with me…

Trailblazers, Thank you for joining with me this week and I’ll catch you again next time.

Consider coming in with excitement from last night for the Intro [KC1]


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Stewardship Update

April 21 2024 Attendance: Colerain: 404 Ross: 629 Online: 267 SHAKEN Giving as of 4/21/24: Last Week: $47,431 Year-to-date: $892,990 Since Dec. 2022: $4,044,053

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