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February 3, 2023

As I write this, I am still in shock at the outcome of the game this past Sunday! Those of you who know me, know I am a HUGE Bengals fan! Do you love football? If not, please forgive me for bringing it up! As I process what happened and how I feel about the calls that were made and the loss, I realize (and my fellow staff members will laugh at this) that football is not what is really important! Okay, really, I’m trying to convince myself of that. What IS important is our relationship with Jesus and helping people experience full life in Jesus!

In KIDS Ministry our volunteers and coaches strive to make each weekend fun, Bible-based, and an excellent experience. Our goal is to join with parents to help kids succeed in life! Our mission is the same as that for adults – to help kids be on the path to full life by discovering their identity in Jesus, being equipped to love and deployed for mission. The foundation for this begins with our Building Blocks Parenting Class in preparation for our Family Dedication. This is an opportunity for parents to learn what it means to be the primary faith influencer of their family and commit to laying a foundation of faith with their children.

White Oak’s Kids Ministry is very intentional and specific to the child’s faith development. Every aspect of our classes is designed to share the gospel in an age-appropriate way and grow kids in their faith whether they’re 2 or 3 years old, in Pre-K or K, or in elementary. We want the hour children spend in Kids Ministry to be the BEST hour of their week! Our small group leaders are dedicated to helping children make meaningful connections with their peers, leaders, and most importantly, with Jesus. Our core values of multiplication, fun, generosity, community, and authenticity are reflected in all we do.

Family FaithShift is a family experience that helps kids determine the next step in the faith journey. Are they ready for a lifetime commitment to Jesus, submitting to him as Lord of their life and being baptized? Last month Alexa and Lydia Fudge made that decision and were baptized. This month we have two more children making the most crucial decision in their lives and being baptized!

In March our 4th and 5th graders will have an unforgettable time at SuperStart! They’ll

experience high energy worship with hundreds of other kids their age, and grow in their relationships with friends, leaders, and most importantly God. At SuperStart they will gain a Biblical foundation for navigating all of their unscripted emotions. Preteens will learn that Jesus experienced what they're feeling, that they can share any emotion with Him, and that He will guide them to correct choices and actions.

Our current series is One Another. “So encourage each other and build each other up,” 1 Thessalonians 5:11. Can I encourage you to find a parent or two that you can encourage in what is probably the most difficult thing they have done to date – parent children? They would love to know that you are praying for them, or that you are someone they can come to for wise counsel.

Research has shown that 85% of decisions to follow Christ are made between the ages of 4 and 14, making ministry to kids and families incredibly important. We believe that when the church and family join together our Kids Ministry mission can become a reality! If you would love to have the experience of making a difference for eternity in the lives of kids you can contact Kat Messerschmidt, our Ross Children's Ministry Coordinator ( or me ( at the Colerain campus. The main requirement is a love for Jesus and a love for kids! There is always a belonging place for you in this amazing ministry!

Karen Lynch Clark

Children's Pastor

White Oak Christian Church


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