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Culture is a combination of what we do and what we allow. Healthy culture doesn’t happen by accident.       Watch this series to see the our culture both what it is and what we are working toward.

Every organization or family unit has a set of values which forms and shapes its culture. These values can be unintentional or purposeful in leading the people in an organization or family toward the vision laid out for them. Culture is a combination of what we do and what we allow. Healthy culture doesn’t happen by accident. Core is a series introducing to WOCC what core values we believe will get us to the place where we are connecting people to full life in Jesus. These aren’t the only things we value; but they are some of the values we believe will help us accomplish our mission in this season. We want to do what we say we value... in our community, our church, our families, and in our relationships. If WOCC were to embody these values we believe each person will discover a more fulfilling, obedient life with Jesus and experience more with others. These values are the fuel for WOCC partners, but they paint a picture of who WOCC is for those looking in at us.






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