This past week we had more than 400 children participate in White Oak’s Grow Zone Summer Camp at both of our campus locations. I absolutely love the theme that our Children’s Ministry team chose for camp this year: Make Waves. The children are hearing about God’s love for them, the boldness of those in Scripture who took bold steps of faith in Jesus, and because of Jesus, we can make waves of impact in the lives of others!
The truth is, you may be making waves and not even know it. But we need to know it and we need to engage in wave-making more and more this summer!
One of the most fascinating experiences of summer camp at White Oak is to see the hundreds of students and adults who step out and serve for camp to take place. I love seeing people of all ages and backgrounds coming together for two purposes: One, to bring glory to God and, two, to cause waves of impact on children in the name of Jesus!
As I walked our facilities this week at Colerain and Ross, I spoke with dozens of volunteers who were loving on kids, teaching Bible stories, leading games and crafts, and discipling kids through intentional conversation. I saw dozens of people working in the parking lot, the kitchen, creating environments, running tech, and keeping our kids safe. I saw dozens
of teenagers stepping out of their comfort zones to pour into the lives of children. I get the chills when I think about the waves of impact being made. Imagine what some of our teens will grow to do in the name of Jesus because they served at camp?! I celebrate the waves of impact in the lives of more than 400 children who were exposed to the love of Jesus AND encouraged that they, too, have been empowered by God to make a difference in our world because of Jesus’s love.
One of White Oak’s core values is multiplication. We believe that multiplying leaders, servants, and disciples is critical to accomplishing the mission God has given us: Connecting people to full life in Jesus! That’s what making waves is all about. Thanks to all those who served faithfully and selflessly at Grow Zone Summer Camp!
How about you? I’m talking to all of us – those who served at camp, the parents of children who participated, those who prayed and supported camp, those who give generously so that camp can take place, and all the rest of us who call White Oak our church home. How are you making waves of impact in the name of Jesus? It doesn’t stop with the wrap up of another camp season. The waves continue. They move, and grow, and push forward. Every disciple of Jesus is, by definition and calling, a disciple-maker. Camp may be over, but I’m calling on our White Oak family to keep serving the mission. Volunteer for the next thing that will challenge you or that will meet a need. Give more generously and with more trust. Find someone to share the love of Jesus with. Tell them what’s been going on in your faith journey.
Make waves.
Update on our Colerain Campus Student Ministry:
On June 5th Brandon Gilbert stepped down as our Colerain campus Student Pastor. We appreciate everything Brandon has done for White Oak while serving students over the last year. Brandon will still be volunteering in ministry at White Oak, so you will continue to see him around. To fill in the gap, we have appointed Bryan Savage as our Interim Colerain campus Student Pastor through August. This will allow us to search for the permanent Colerain Student Pastor without leaving the role vacant during these important summer months. Bryan and his wife Kelly are joining us from our Ross Campus. Bryan has been serving in Ross’s Student Ministry and has experience leading a student ministry during his time living in California. If you see them around, please be sure to welcome Bryan and Kelly to our Colerain Campus. If you have questions about our Colerain Student Ministry please reach out to Bryan at
Together, we move!
Causing waves,
Nathan Hinkle
Lead Pastor, White Oak Christian Church