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Women's Ministry: March Newsletter

Greetings from the WOCC Women’s Ministry Team!

Spring is in the air, finally!! I think we all celebrate as the world comes back to life, flowers begin to bloom, and temperatures turn warmer. Since January, our church has been absorbing the sermon series, “The Gospel: Good News for Everyone”. How has this “Good News” transformed your life over the past couple of months? Are you “leaning into hard things and embracing hardships in order to struggle with intention” (Nathan Hinkle)? With whom in your life have you shared God’s Good News? Easter is the perfect time to spread the gospel, invite people to church and intentionally live sacrificially to demonstrate God’s love to others.

With that in mind, we’d also like to invite you to participate in the church’s 24/7 prayer experience during Easter week. Head to to sign up for the 24/7 Holy Week Prayer Experience. Prayer is such a powerful way to connect with our Savior and let Him speak to our hearts. Let the warmth of His love shine down upon and through you. Let the “petals of your life” reach upward to the light of the Son, and may the Holy Spirit produce fruit in your life as you surrender more to Him.


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