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October 22, 2021

Momentum is building at White Oak! We are a multi-site church which means we are ONE church meeting in multiple locations. We also have many people joining us online! We have much happening at White Oak this fall and I sense a wave of impact is upon us.

In Matthew 11 Jesus says that the Kingdom of God is forcefully advancing! God is up to something, and you and I are invited to be a part of it. It is this season that I believe God is inviting you to step into ministry. I am asking all of you who consider yourselves partners in ministry at White Oak to step into a serve role at one of our campuses. We want to be ready for guests who are coming through our doors so that their first interactions at our doors are the first step we show them to connecting to full life in Jesus! We have many serve opportunities at White Oak and if you call this place home, I expect that you are partnered with us in advancing the Kingdom at and through our church. Email our Campus Pastors for more information about serving:

At our Ross Twp. Campus email Chris:

At our Colerain Twp. Campus email Kevin:

One way you can help advance Jesus’s mission is to make space for those who are checking out White Oak. We expect a lot of guests in the fall season and as the holidays approach. Help us with overcrowding and make room in our services and in our kid’s spaces by moving to an earlier service. I know this may be a sacrifice for your family, but I also know that the reward for the Kingdom will be worth it! Consider this as a time to worship one hour and stay and serve the next hour!

This coming Sunday, October 24, we will celebrate baptisms at White Oak. We have also invited those who have been baptized at White Oak in the last few years to join us this Sunday for a recognition and celebration of their new-life commitment! We will have refreshments in our lobbies as a way of celebrating what God is doing in the lives of people. We serve a God who is alive and brings us onto the path of full life!

God is doing new things through White Oak Christian Church! On October 25 and 27 we will have our Evening of Celebration at our new Ross Twp. Campus building at 1500 Ross-Millville Rd. 45013. We will host tours of our building, eat dessert and drink some coffee, worship, pray, and take a look forward at future ministry impact! Choose the best date for you and register to join us for this historic event in the life of our church. You can register below:

God’s Kingdom is forcefully advancing… and I invite you to be a part of it. There are so many ways for you to be a part of it.

On the front lines with you,


Nathan Hinkle

Lead Pastor, White Oak Christian Church


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