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October 25, 2024


Samhain (a Gaelic word pronounced “sow-win”) is a pagan religious festival originating from an ancient Celtic spiritual tradition. It is usually celebrated from October 31 to November 1 to welcome in the harvest and usher in “the dark half of the year.” Celebrants believe that the barriers between the physical world and the spirit world break down during Samhain, allowing more interaction between humans and denizens of the Otherworld. (


Like any long-held tradition from long-ago history, the beginnings of any celebration like Halloween are somewhat debated. However, most historians tell us that it originated from an ancient druid festival which included a belief that the spirits of the dead could return to earth for a time and mingle with or torment the living. During this time, celebrants would dress up in costumes as animals or monsters in order to disguise themselves and therefore ward off any would-be nefarious spirits. This probably is the predecessor to why people today celebrate Halloween by dressing up in costumes.


As we are finishing our study in the book of 1 Peter we come across something that is quite vivid in its imagery.


Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings. 

-1 Peter 5:8-9


The Bible consistently gives us pictures of the realty of spiritual warfare. Paul says that our battle against sin is very much a spiritual battle against evil forces. I find it fascinating that people from all over the world at all points in history sense this evil presence even if they didn’t know what or who it truly was. Peter warns us that the devil is actively seeking victims. He’s looking for those who let our guards down. And when we do, he will pounce. Now, I find it interesting that a lion who hunts while roaring would scare off its prey pretty quickly. Is Peter telling us that the devil’s schemes are obvious? Maybe. But we also know that Satan can be subtle and tricky. It’s perhaps easier to see the sin-traps of sexual temptation, dishonesty, or hatred. It can be less easy to identify tactics when the evil one comes after us with such things like greed, pride, and selfishness. Those tend to slow creep on us.


Either way, the Bible tells us that we are under attack. Do you feel that daily? Are you on guard? We tend to put on costumes as if the devil won’t notice and pass us by. Of course, our costumes intended to ward off spiritual attack don’t look like witches, clowns, or Marvel superheroes. Our costumes are far more subtle. We dress up in busyness. We disguise ourselves with “harmless” addictions that distract us. We put on the mask that tells everyone we’re doing ok when we’re actually in pain. We can mistakenly believe that just because we say we are a Christian that Satan is incapable of advancing on us.


At various points in my life I have gotten so sick and tired of playing dress-up. I firmly believe that what Peter tells his readers is 100% true. Satan is prowling and he’s looking for opportunities to trip me up. He’s looking for opportunities to take something that God intended to be good in my life and he twists it. He wants to make that thing more important, more self-serving, more of an idol in my life than God intends it to be. That’s when the devil catches most of us. The problem is that we’ve been dressing up so long that we don’t recognize the potential attack.


What can we do about it? A few ideas:

  • Pray prayers of repentance daily. Tell God where you fail and where you’re tempted. Ask him to reveal to you the hidden things you can’t see in your life.

  • Be aware of your attitudes toward others and circumstances. Take note of them.

  • Surround yourself with a community of Jesus followers weekly. Ask someone to hold you accountable to things that tend to tempt you.

  • Spend regular focused time with God. Read his Word. Let him speak to you from it. Sit with him in stillness. He cares for you!


Be ready. Be sober-minded. But do not fear! Our good Heavenly Dad has given us access to all we need to ward off the enemy’s attack. He’s already won the war and given us the tools to fight each battle. We’ll win some. We’ll lose some. Get back up each time you’re knocked down and take another step of obedience toward God.


Fighting alongside you,




Nathan Hinkle

Lead Pastor


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