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Aug 29, 2021
Ross Building Opening Soon!
We're anxiously anticipating the opening of our new Ross Campus. Here's a look at the recent parking lot services at the new property...

Aug 26, 2021
Momentum 8/27/21
I am amazed at how well our Heavenly Father knows us. He knows the inclinations of our hearts and he knows what we need before (and...

Jun 14, 2021
Momentum 6/11/21
I love watching what God is up to. This is such an exciting season to be a part of WOCC! God is doing a lot in and through this place. I...

Jun 6, 2021
Momentum 6/4/21
How would you describe what is important to your family or your household? If you had to put a list on your living room wall of the key th

May 28, 2021
Bold-White Oak In Motion Update
I'm so excited about what God is doing through our generosity in the "BOLD-White Oak In Motion" Initiative. Here's an update: If you have...

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