I love watching what God is up to. This is such an exciting season to be a part of WOCC! God is doing a lot in and through this place. I am in awe of God’s work as I see many families returning to in-person gatherings these past few weeks. I see guests stepping foot through our doors for the first time. I see people like Tony who was invited to watch White Oak Online by a family member. He watched online and then he came to one of our campuses a few weeks ago and was baptized into Jesus!

I love watching God expand White Oak’s ministry impact! This past week saw more than 350 children attend our Grow Zone Summer Camps. It took hundreds of volunteers serving to pull off camp at two locations. These children heard life-changing truths about Jesus’s love and discovering their identity in Him. I am grateful for our church family who steps into God’s multiplying work in our communities.

I love watching God expand his impact. This August WOCC we will step into a historic moment in the life of our church. We will move our Ross Twp. Campus into a new building after meeting in a rented space for more than 12 years. We plan to worship through this season with a dedication service held at the beginning of the month. Also, in the month of August, we will move our campus into the new building allowing our teams to get a couple of Sundays under the belt to work out the kinks and get things ready for our guests to encounter Jesus in the space. The month will culminate with our Grand Opening celebration on Saturday, August 28 followed by our first public Opening Sunday on August 29. I can’t wait to celebrate all God has done and will do because of your generosity. I am humbled he has chosen us to take part in his desire for a space for us to serve our neighbors, for equipping disciples, and deploying them on his mission in our city! God continues to expand ministry impact through White Oak! Through the months of July and August our Colerain Campus will notice some changes happening around the building. We will begin to update the stage area in the worship center. Due in part to a generous gift, we will renovate this area for a better and more vibrant experience for our church family and guests in the room but also enhance our recording capabilities and the experience for those engaging with White Oak Online. Because of your generosity in our BOLD initiative, we have begun making plans for signage and lobby/entrance updates which you will see in the coming months! These changes will further position White Oak with facilities and refreshed spaces which tell our community and our guests that want to steward the resources God has given us to be gifts to them and bring glory to God! I am fascinated by Jesus’s words to his disciples here. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. -John 14:12 How is it that we will do greater things than Jesus did?! We will have greater impact because we have the Holy Spirit flowing through us. We are many and the Spirit lives and moves through each one of us who call Jesus Lord. I see evidence all around us of God confirming his desire to expand ministry impact through his Spirit and our obedience. People will join us in eternal life one day because of it. This is a historic season in the life of our church. God is doing a new thing at White Oak! I invite you to step into deeper places of trust, obedience, and surrender to join him in multiplying that impact. Making impact with you, Nathan