Seeking. We see this idea in Scripture quite frequently. Since our relationship with God is described in the Bible several hundred times as a journey, a walk, a path, etc., then it’s fitting that our pursuit of a deeper relationship with God be talked about using the word, seek.
6 And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him. -Hebrews 11:6
7 “Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And to everyone who knocks, the door will be opened. -Matt. 7:7-8
The one thing I ask of the Lord— the thing I seek most— is to live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, delighting in the Lord’s perfections and meditating in his Temple. -Psalm 27:4
We are wrapping up our sermon series this coming weekend at White Oak where we’ve been talking about spiritual disciplines. These are the practices we do in order to draw closer to the heart of God and to experience the Spirit moving in us. When we seek God while training in these practices, we discover deeper places of intimacy with him and trust in him. You can listen to those messages here.
A.W. Tozer says this in his book, The Crucified Life. “Expose your whole life to Jesus Christ. Expose yourself in prayer. Expose yourself in Scripture. Expose your heart in obedience. Expose it by confession…”
Expose yourself. That is an interesting thought. As you seek God’s heart, one must expose yourself and bare your soul, your inner thoughts, your doubts, and your hurts. You must come to him open-handed and expectant. You must become vulnerable and weak so that he will come and make his home in your heart. He will fill you up, comfort you, and give you his strength. It’s true that you can practice these disciplines and never truly expose yourself to him, however.
I want to encourage you to seek your Heavenly Father this week through the practices we’ve been studying. Begin to train in them. Do one or two each day. Focus on one and repeat it several times this next week. Begin to become experienced in all these practices. Be sure to do so honestly and openly. Turn over stones in your life that you have not turned over with God before. This will take time. Don’t be discouraged. You will fail at times. You will be tempted to say, “what’s the use?” But stay with it. Trust that you will be rewarded by your Heavenly Father who sees what you’re doing.
There is something else coming in a couple weeks. Beginning on Sunday, October 23 our White Oak family will begin a new sermon series call Shaken. This series will also kick off a new season for our church. We will look at Acts 3 and 4 where the power of the Holy Spirit showed up in powerful ways in the lives of the believers and moved them out in bold steps of trust! I have been praying over this series for many months and I’m excited to share it with you along with fresh vision for the future of White Oak. Be sure you are present each week of the series beginning October 23.
Because our primary goal of Shaken is 100% engagement in this discipleship journey, I’d like to see everyone join a 4-week Shaken Life group. Here you will study, learn, and share with others at WOCC who are on the same journey as you. My wife, Denise, and I will be leading a Shaken group along with many of our staff, elders, and dozens of others. You can check out the group options below.
This is such an exciting season for our church. I anticipate God doing much in my heart and through our church. The Holy Spirit moves on the lives of believers. Individuals. Men and women who seek him and ask his Spirit to move on and through them. The Spirit doesn’t empower churches. He empowers people! Imagine what the Spirit of God will do through hundreds of hearts at White Oak who are committed to his purposes!
Preparing to be shaken,

Nathan Hinkle
Lead Pastor
White Oak Christian Church