There are dozens of examples of times in Scripture where men and women saw visions from God. Abraham, Samuel, Daniel, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Ananias, Peter, John, and many more! We aren’t always told details about these visions, but each time these followers of God were changed and moved by what they received. Visions sometimes came while these people were awake and often came while they were asleep. Countless times in Scripture God puts a vision into the minds and hearts of those who love him so that they might carry forward a message from Him about ultimate reality. The purpose of the vision appears to give the recipient a truth about God and/or a glimpse at the future or future promises.

The past two weekends at White Oak have been very special. On September 18 and 25 we celebrated Vision Night. I am excited that nearly 500 people from our White Oak family came out to worship, pray, and listen to God’s Word as He puts on our hearts a picture of our future. We have a vision for White Oak, for our families, and for our communities. Admittedly, I didn’t experience this in a dream nor was I stopped in my tracks one day by a bright light or voice from heaven. However, I whole-heartedly believe that God still puts his vision into the minds and hearts of his people when we seek after him.
In the New Testament, every time Jesus points back to Israel’s history, he reminds them of what was so that their faith might be challenged, and their trust placed in him. Jesus used the past as evidence of God’s leading, faithfulness, and power in order that Israel might trust God into the future.

At Vision Night we experienced a walk-through of White Oak’s history. It was fascinating to walk through the decades (and centuries) and see the faces and read the word of those who came before us. It was very moving for me to see all that God has done through his servants. It was even more beautiful to see many of our current White Oak family share personal moments when they felt a movement of God in their own lives. If you missed the walk-through, you can stop by the office M-TH during office hours or experience it on a Sunday morning for the next few weeks. The walk-through is located in the balcony foyer of our Colerain Twp. location.
On October 23 we will launch a new series on Sundays called SHAKEN. This is much more than a sermon series. Our entire church family (children, teens, and adults) will experience this series in their contexts. We will invite everyone to jump into a SHAKEN life group for a 4-week experience so that you can get the most out of this time. At that time, we will share and unpack more of the vision which God has laid on our hearts as a future for White Oak, our families, and our communities. You won’t want to miss this!
When the Holy Spirit moves in Scripture it’s often loud, fiery, windy, ground-shaking, and overwhelming! I believe when God’s people put themselves into his hands trusting him more deeply through prayer, the reading of his Word, and other disciplines, that he will move. I believe that his Spirit will reveal things to us. He will reveal things in our lives which need to be surrendered to him, things which need to be eliminated, and things which he is preparing us to do in the future. I sense that God is moving in a new way at White Oak. We are not the same church we were in 2019. Nothing returned the same after the COVID-19 pandemic. Many things in our lives came back quite different or worse. However, I believe the Church in the America can experience a revival! I believe that those who are part of our White Oak family are here and ready to experience something powerful from God, life-changing, earth-shaking, and community-impacting.
Something about those in Scripture when they experienced a vision from God… They were never the same afterward. They heard a message from God, and they moved on it. Their faith was deeper, their trust more intense, and their hearts bent more to God’s desired future. I am ready to move together with my church family! This fall season is going to be intense. Be praying that you are found ready by God’s Spirit to receive and move.
I’m with you.

Nathan Hinkle
Lead Pastor
White Oak Christian Church